SVP Society

Turn your Concern into Action: Wondering how you can help those in need in the local community? Ever wanted to do something more but not sure what?

The Saint Vincent de Paul Society (SVP) is an association of lay people named after, and drawing inspiration from the work of, St Vincent de Paul. It was founded in Paris by Frederic Ozanam in 1833 for the service of the poor. Today the Society includes almost 900,000 members spread among 46,000 confraternities in 130 countries of five continents. to learn more visit Saint Vincent de Paul Society

In our parish Saint Vincent de Paul Society is a small group of parishioners of all ages who visit and support local families and individuals in need.  It meets one Sunday a month after 11am Mass, and members do visit(s) in between. If you want to know more contact:, or telephone 07799 118382 .

Updated: 27/09/2024 — 9:22 AM